System Builder Escape Sequences
Supported by MacWise


MacWise supports some of the special escape sequences used by the SBClient PC terminal emulator.
(You need to enable System Builder under the Emulate Menu.)

1. Save and Restore Screens

Many host computers are programmed to instruct the client app to save and restore screens.
MacWise supports three sets of escape sequences commonly used by PC clients, Including SBClient.


2. Launching a web browser or email or a file
(Requires MacWise 15.2.5 or later)

ESC _ D& (normally terminated with ESC _\ )

Launches your browser and goes to the URL provided by the host *
Can also launch files on your Mac

Example host programs:
PRINT CHAR(27):"_D&":CHAR(34):"":CHAR(34):
PRINT CHAR(27):"_D&":CHAR(34):"":CHAR(34):

NOTE: If the URL does not contain http or mailto, then MacWise attempts to open a document on your Mac. For instance...

PRINT CHAR(27):"_D&":CHAR(34):"MyDrive:MyFolder:MyFilename":CHAR(34):
PRINT CHAR(27):"_D&":CHAR(34):"MyFilename":CHAR(34): (no path is supplied here so the file would need to be in the MacWise folder.

if you use "BootVolume" as the MyDrive Name, MacWise will automatically use the name of your Mac drive.
PRINT CHAR(27):"_D&":CHAR(34):"BootVolume:MyFilename":CHAR(34):

If you use "UserDesktop" as the MyDrive Name, MacWise will look for the file on the Desktop.
PRINT CHAR(27):"_D&":CHAR(34):"UserDesktop:MyFilename":CHAR(34):

You can use DOS file names like this...
PRINT CHAR(27):"_D&":CHAR(34):"C:\MyFolder:MyFilename":CHAR(34):

NOTE 1: Forward slash characters are not allowed. Backslash OK.

NOTE 2: There are no error messages generated if the host has supplied an incorrect command for the URL or file.


3. Who am I ?
(Requires MacWise 15.2.5 or later)

ESC _ W (normally terminated with ESC _\ )

MacWise responds with MacWise Version / Emulation type / Sesion Title /

ESC _W& (normally terminated with ESC _\ )

Same as ESC _W but accepts BUFFER command from host


NOTE: SBClient and System Builder are trademarks of their respective companies and are not associated with Carnation Software.